E-Learning at Silverdale School
At Silverdale School, we provide each student with the skills needed to become 21st century learners. E-Learning is an essential component in achieving this objective.
E-Learning is integrated into daily classroom life, across all curriculum areas using a variety of methods and devices. An area that is forever changing and evolving, we are aware that parents and our community often feel out of touch with this aspect of our children’s learning. This page will help to bridge this gap.
What is Google Suite?
Google Suite is a set of online tools that aid collaboration, time-management, and document storage. Provided by Google to schools at no cost, these tools include:
- Calendar: a customisable calendar and to-do list.
- Google Docs Suite: a word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and drawing program that allows multi-user access and editing.
- Gmail: is accessible for our students.
- Google continues to add new tools and the school will evaluate each of its educational potential as they come.

What devices will my child use at school?
Year 1/2: I Pads, tablets and desktop computers
Year 3/4: Tablets, laptops, Chromebooks, Desktop computers
Year 5-8: each student is allocated a Chromebook for individual use whilst at school
Can my child bring their own device to school?
No, not at this time. There are several reasons for this:
- When our school began the GAFE journey we decided not to put the additional financial strain on our families that asking them to provide a device for students would add. Through ongoing fundraising our wonderful PTA and Board of Trustees have been able to provide devices for each class.
- As GAFE is a cloud based suite of tools, students learning is not stored on a device but in the cloud: which means that documents etc can be accessed anywhere anytime so removing the need to use their own devices.
- Our teachers are all proficient in the use and support of Chromebooks and iPads. If a range of other devices are brought into the school teachers may not be able to provide assistance with them and it could distract from our focus on learning. If all students have the same device then teachers can be confident they have access to the same apps, as not all apps are available across multiple platforms.
Will my child be staring at a screen all day?
How will my child be kept safe when using the internet?
No filtering can ever be guaranteed to be 100%, so we will combine our filtering programme with a school-wide digital citizenship programme where teacher-led cyber safety sessions teaches our students how to be good digital citizens and how to be safe when using the internet.
Teachers will also use a tool called Teacher Dashboard, which allows for real time monitoring of what a user is currently looking at on their screen. This tool also allows teachers to view the contents of students school Google Drive accounts.
There will also be a User Agreement that students and parents will be expected to sign before your child is allowed to use a device at school. (see cybersafety agreements).
How can I ensure my child is safe at home on their device?
All research states that web capable devices that students use should only be used under adult supervision and definitely not out of sight (i.e. in a closed bedroom). Sticking to this rule will elevate most potential problems. Settings on devices can also be changed to support the safe use of devices.
Netsafe provides advice and guidance for parents.
How do we access my child’s Google account?
Below are instructions for how you can help your child to access their account at home.
Their email address will be firstnamesurname@silverdaleprimary.school.nz
(for example: newstudent@silverdaleprimary.school.nz)
If you need a reminder of your child’s password please use the ‘ask a question’ button at the top of this page.
1. In your Web browser, go to drive.google.com. Your browser automatically redirects to Google’s Sign In screen, which is the screen you use to sign in to all of Google’s applications.
2. Type in your Google e-mail address and password.
3. If you want your browser to automatically log you in each time you visit Google Drive,
check the Stay Signed In box.
4. Click Sign In. Now, you see your Google Drive.